Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Boot Prints

I was reading a book by Steve Chapman tonight that dad used to own, and the chapter I was reading was about how when Steve was a little boy he used to step in his dads foot prints that were left in the snow while following him to avoid getting snow in his own shoes.  It reminded me that I used to do this as well while following dad.  I don’t know if it was to keep the snow out of my shoes or just because it was a fun game to play, but I remember doing this when I was a child.  Anyway, Steve goes on to say that he was filled with joy knowing that he had been fortunate enough to have had a father who provided a good set of bootprints to follow through time.  Looking back at the tracks that Steve’s dad had left him through the years made him realize that they were responsible for leading him to know Christ, the best of all destinations.  Also, his dad’s steps guided him to a belief that things like a good name, honesty, and integrity are far more valuable than gold or silver. 

While reading this chapter, I couldn’t help but feel that Steve and I have learned a shared lesson from our fathers, and like Steve, I am confident that if I continue to put my feet where my dad put his, the tracks will lead me to heaven, and I pray that if my children choose to follow in my tracks through their lives that those tracks may lead them to Jesus. 

The steps of a man are established by the Lord (Psalms 37:23)


  1. Love, love, love this post. Dad definitely left some big footprints to fill, but I am so thankful for where he has led us! Thanks for sharing!

  2. wow. Now you made me cry. I'm just so thankful for my parents example and so glad you want to follow in Dads footprints. Also my prayer will always be that all the grandkids too will follow in their parents footsteps and that they will lead them to Jesus. Great post
