Monday, March 25, 2013


I wanted to do a post to remember some a dad's famous one-liner's and/or quotes.  Dad always had a good come back to anything you could say.  I'm not sure how he thought so quickly sometimes.  Here are some of my favorite "dad-ism's".  Please add to the list as I KNOW there are so many more!

  • Are you going to make a career out of that?  (for example:  someone turning into their driveway slower than dad would like them to)
  • Do you have a monopoly on that? (I was asked that question often during my teenage years while using the bathroom)
  • It’s a 4-way stop, not a parking lot.
  • Yuppies
  • Some of us have to work for a living (said to us kids while we were playing and he was leaving for work)
  • Are you fake the jakein’ it? (Said to us over and over whenever we stayed home from school sick.  Sometimes I even began to feel guilty that maybe I really wasn't sick)
  • Life ain’t fair
  • Even a blind squirrel finds a nut every now and then
  • Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades
  • Did you see that __________ (fill in whatever project he just did)?  That's darn nice!

Can't wait to see what everyone else comes up with!


  1. What do they think this is? A public road? (Referring to anyone who drove down 104th)

    This isn't a catering service.

    Don't look now but there is a boat following us.

    Always got that phone stuck to her face ( :-) Mom)

    I always used to love going to school

    Horses A** (sorry, couldn't resist)

  2. Might as well get it (or do it) myself

  3. Too far away from your heart to hurt

  4. Beavis and Butt Nugget. (I feel like he refered to me and Exo by these names often)

  5. That's okay, I walk on them too. (This is what he would say if you stepped on his feet by accident).

  6. "What are you doing, making toothpicks" is a phrase I heard often when splitting wood with dad at my house. I liked to split the wood smaller than dad because it was lighter for Katy to carry and I always thought it burned better and sometimes I would accidently make them too small so if dad was stacking the wood that I split and he would come across one of these small ones, I was sure to hear this phrase. Even now, when I spit a small piece, I can hear dad in my head with his smart alleck comment.

  7. "Oh, that was my fault. I hit you right in the hands." (said if we would miss something that he threw to us).

  8. They must not make blinkers on those new cars. (When someone doesn't put their blinkers on)

  9. "Does that say foot rest on it?" (He asked me that when ever I put my feet up on the dash in the van. One time I had the guts to reply, "No...but it doesn't say not a foot rest either." I never said that again!)

  10. Jace wants to add, "See you in the funnies!"
