Friday, September 28, 2012


I remember getting a call from Dad one evening,  he sounded a bit frantic which was out of  character.   It was the night he was driving home on 50th and noticed something moving on the seat next to him.  A HUGE black snake!!!  He was in the "One Ton" wood truck, and apparently had pick up more than lumber that night.  I couldn't stop laughing when I got to where he was, the truck was hardly even off the road and both doors were wide open.  It took him a good 20 minutes of looking before he dared climb back in to finish the ride home.   We never did find out where the snake went.


  1. Ha! I remember that. One of the few times if not the only time I have seen fear in Dad.

  2. I remember him telling me that he felt creepy every time he rode in that truck afterwards for a while. He said he felt like he should "put rubberbands around his pant legs". He's braver than me....I wouldn't have gotten back in.

  3. I agree, Rick never showed fear but that night he was terrified! Even so, it was the funnist thing ever. I hated that red truck from that day on. The next Saturday he shows up in the red truck and wants me to ride to Silver Lake with him to deliver wood. I went but was sitting on pins and needles the whole ride.
